Saturday, August 04, 2007

Opti-Mystic about the Opti-Mystics

We played the toughest game so far this season. Here's a little scoreboard action from the yard...
Home: Opti-Mystics

Visitors: M.A. Guns (2nd place)

Inning 1: The Guns start strong by scoring 11 runs. Everything was either in the hole or on the ground. We came up to bat and scored 5.

Inning 2: Again, the Guns out-hit us. Score this inning was Guns 17, Opt's still holding at 5

Inning 3: We came to play ball. We shut them down - they scored nothing. Score now Guns 17 - Opt's 14.

Inning 4: This is where the chemistry on the team comes in. After almost being run-ruled we tied the game 17-17

Inning 5: Clock's ticking..... Guns 21, Opti's still holding at 17

Inning 6: Last inning, we have the last bat. We are down 4 runs with 1 out on the board. One of the Opti's gets out at first, but drove in a run. So now we have 2 outs.

Final ESPN Highlight: 1 more out and we lose this game. We need 2 runs to tie, 3 to win. Oh Hell No.... we start hitting. We load up the bases. Vance the Man is up to bat. He takes a ball. He takes a strike. Here's the pitch, LOOKS GOOD, COCKS BACK AND HITS WITH A VENGENCE. IT'S A LINE DRIVE TO CENTER FIELD. IT'S GOING, GOING, AND NAILS ITSELF INTO THE FENCE. M.A. GUNS BURNED IN THE OUTFIELD. OPTI-MYSTICS WIN THE GAME 22 TO 21!

Now that's what I call softball.

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