Monday, August 13, 2007

42 pencils, 8 composition notebooks and

While one child drives away to cosmotology school, the twins start kindergarden. Before my oldest, Ash (18) left we shared one last cup of coffee together as we put the twins on the bus. She was making fun of me because I safety-pinned crucial information and lunch money in an envelope to each twins shirt. Ash says "Mom, you've got their name, address, and money pinned to their chest, you are not helping them... you are making them a target for any perv in a 6-mile radius."


Book bags, plastic 2-pocket folders, erasers, graph paper, crayons, scissors, rulers, highlighters, hand sanitizer, kleenex, paper towels, copy paper, colored paper, pens, pencils, notebook paper, binders, dividers, calculators, $40.00 for PTA membership dues, dry erase boards, dry erase markers, glue sticks, $80 in lunch money that get's through 1 month.

The first day of school... PRICELESS. Ahhhhhhh

4 said...:

Fish said...

aw heck, they're growing up.

Soon you're going to have to make them pick straws for which one is going to be sold to pay for the others college fees?

30-Something Girl said...

I know! I am in trouble...

Fish said...

I keep meaning to ask, your dog, is he's those green eyes.

30-Something Girl said...

He is real and he's perfect! I am so sorry about your car. That was one of those reads that makes you gasp outloud at the end... I like those kind! Wink wink