Thursday, July 26, 2007

Do me a favor

This Msg is intended for someone who occasionaly reads this blog. I thought I would pass a long a litle call-out for ya and to tell you that you are an ass. I am tired of your crap. If I was confrontational, I would so tell you to your face all of this.... but I am not. So

Just stop. Why do you feel the need to do what you do? It's not fair and you really suck at being my friend. Harry was right. "Guys and Girls can never be friends. The sex part always gets in the way."

I don't want to know your plans. I don't want to hear that one day you are happy and the next day you are not. Stop telling me your version because I hear a totally different version from everyone else. I don't care if you like where you live. I don't want to know about the future plans you've made. I don't want you to come around when it's convienient for you.

So screw you Harry. Just screw you.

3 said...:

Fish said...

oh dear, have you got an e-stalker hon?

30-Something Girl said...

Damn... I wish I did! No, just a guy.

Fish said...

Well I'll give it a go if you like.....but it's quite difficult to stalk someone on a different continent....