Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one that cares so much about what others think to the point that I exhaust myself? I am not talking about the shallow kind of caring like how I look (of course this is important), I am talking about the fitting in part. It matters to me that I am liked, that I make a difference, that my friends are really my friends. Ask me.... I will never say no. Never have, never will.

I know... anyone reading this that is really emotionally healthy will say that this should not bother me. I should not care what others think. Well do me a favor.... don't read any further. I do care. In fact I can't see much of a purpose in life of going around and just making myself happy. I need to fit in. I need to feel accepted. I need for people to think I am a good friend and I need those friends (yeah... even those that give advice about not caring what others think). I need to know that there is a purpose and I have a reason for being here. I care alot.

1 said...:

Fish said...

You're not the only one by any means....but then you're not a stereotype either...we are all different. If that's what gives you energy and motivation, well then that's good. After all, caring how other people perceive you is hardly a sin?