Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Softball Frowers

At the softball game this weekend, Sydney (while in the outfield) must have been a little bored. I see her at the fence with her arm through the fence doing who knows what. After the inning is over she comes running to me, very proud with an enourmous bouquet of "softball frowers" just for me.

Trying to pay attention to Syd and watch Taylor up to bat at the same time is a little hard. I am praying she gets a hit and take hold of the flowers and tell Syd to hang on. "Mom, smell your softball frowers!" Taylor get's a hit! I'm cheering and waving and then I look down to admire my gift and realize I am holding a bouquet of POISON IVY.

I quickly throw the "frowers" away and Syd begins to tear up because I did not put them behind my ear like I always do. I explained that the flowers were really itchy plants and I immediately bring out the magic soap out of my purse (the instant soap stuff) and I am bathing Syd in it. I am thinking... maybe I got it off before any damage was done.

All the people in the stands are chuckling. They seem to enjoy every game and are always hysterical because it never fails... there will be some weird situation my kids have gotten into.

I tell Syd we were here to play ball - no more frowers.

So we go home, I put her in the tub and all seems well, until the next morning. Guess the magic soap didn't work... but what a sweet girl!

2 said...:

Winnipeg-osis said...

That was some inconveniently located poison ivy, wasn't it? Someone needs to talk to the groundskeeper. Or they could hire a real life Marge Simpson to patrol the outfield. (Complete with her warning: "Leaves of three, let it be.")

30-Something Girl said...

I know! I couldn't believe it.