Saturday, April 28, 2007

lungs and things

Well after two weeks, I am better. I am up and doing normal things. Now the thing is, as bad as this pnemonia has been it has been a blessing. I have not smoked a cigerette in two weeks and I will never pick up another one as long as these lungs breathe in air.

Now ... if I can just get back to normal activity I will be most pleased.

3 said...:

Desperately Seeking Gina said...

glad you're feeling better. Keep up the No Smoking thing!! Your game will be so much better!


kellycoxsemple said...

Gina said it well. I think many people take their lungs for granted until suddenly they don't work the way they're supposed to. My husband went through that, and it's NO FUN! So, I'm glad to hear you're recovering well. Congrats on quitting smoking!

We look forward to a summer of softball blog entries! P.S. the one about your daughters' first game had us laughing out loud. So cute!

30-Something Girl said...

Here's an update... I am feeling great and back to normal and I am still a NON SMOKER! I'm getting my game on!!!