Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Games We Play

Why do we want what we can’t have? Nevermind the fact that perhaps it’s not good for us, or maybe puts one in a bad position in the big picture of life. It could be the most unattractive package of nothing at all but if I can’t have it, I want it that much more.

I only want him when he acts like he could care less about me. He only wants me when I don't want him. Our timing sucks. I know that women base just about everything on emotion. I know men are physically driven. So how in the hell did the two sexes even come together? Because it feels good. Feels good to the guy physically (and of course to us as well) but it also feels good to the woman emotionally.

It’s driving me crazy. I have almost always gotten what I wanted. I don’t like to lose and I don’t like to be denied something I may or may not desire. I can’t even tell what it is that I want because I can’t seem to think logically. The only thing I see is getting what I want. We've gotten so good at it, this little game we play; it's a game we've been playing for a while now and it’s growing old.


4 said...:

Salman Siddiqui said...

he will give u wat u want but u cant have if and only if he is the real he which is on planet earth for u only!

Queen Kathleen said...

I don't know what to say.
ummmmmm Yah, exactly what he said.

Fish said...

which is a perfect eplanation of why women appear to like men who are b@stards?

Fish said...

explanation even