Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snow Storm 2008

Better late than never! It snowed in Atlanta! We actually had enough snow to build a REAL snowman!

4 said...:

Desperately Seeking Gina said...

Snow is so fun when it's just visiting :) I'm posting from the land 'o snow right now...but I can't wait to get back to "no snow"


30-Something Girl said...

The last time there was enough snow to make a snowman was 10 years ago! It started late at night, and I woke the kids up and we played until morning. We slept for a little while and then started back again. As you can see, it took all the snow in the yard just to make the snowman!

Winnipeg-osis said...

THAT's a snowstorm? Come to Winnipeg, the City That Warmth Forgot. We'll show you snow...for five or six months per year!

Ah, but a wee snow like yours is great for the young (and the young at heart).

30-Something Girl said...

Okay... I admit it. I did have to scoop some snow off my car for the snowman head