Saturday, September 01, 2007

I'm Having Lucky Charms for Dinner!

Nothing wrong with a little irish in your bowl. What a game. We did not just beat Notre Dame, they had the worst game in thier football history. How many quarterbacks does it take to play your season opener? Count them boys... 3.

Posted Sep 1st 2007 6:06PM by Brian Grummell

It's the chinese water torture of football: a slow, grinding run game against an overmatched defense culminating in a spree of field goals. Touchdowns would be nice, but there's something especially painful about repeated three point tries. They give the faint hope of a comeback in a game that could be 40-0 instead of 19-0.Georgia Tech's kicker Travis Bell has now nailed four of five field goals to boost the Yellow Jackets to that third quarter lead. Although Bell is credited with the kill shots, tailback Tashard Choice is the master of discipline administering repeated steady blows to the heart of the Irish defense. Choice has rushed for 133 yards (6.7) and a touchdown. All that's left is for Notre Dame to show some life and fight back or accept their fate with painful moans of "yes, master".

1 said...:

Fish said...

okay, so if you are going to be writing solely about football from now on...I need to do some research