Sunday, July 01, 2007

Welcome to Cocktail Cove

They call it Cocktail Cove. After a day of swimming, tubing and wakeboarding, everyone heads to this well-known spot on Lake Lanier and finishes the day visiting and drinking the last few beers left in the cooler. You can smell the shrimp and steak grilling way before your boat arrives.

So after spending the day on the boat, I thought I'd share some of the pictures taken from Cocktail Cove.

I love this lake, I love summer and I can't imagine living anywhere else. This lake changes constantly and 2 hours before this picture we were outrunning a storm that blew in and luckily didn't last long. I love the views after the sun goes down. Time to go home, but we'll be back on Wednesday for the 4th.

2 said...:

Anonymous said...

looks very nice i hope you enjoyed every min

Fish said...

I could really do with some of that...we're having some kind of bizarre monsoon season here at the moment