Thursday, May 24, 2007

Some Call Them Co-Workers, I Call Them "My Person's"

Okay, I have been a little slack lately in blogging because so much has happened this month.

Xaviera Hoochie just buzzed me in my Career Capsule and told me to check out her blog, which I did and is hysterical... and I got to thinking how much I really do love the people I work with. Some of my best hoochie friends shack up here in this wonderful company of love. We celebrate each other's birthdays, baby showers, wedding showers, anniversarys, divorces, and on and on. We bring a dish for just about every symbolic day possible including the day after Laurie's dog passed away. We go on vacations together, play ball together, support each other and even bitch each other out once in a while. So I thought I would share some of the stupid stuff and some of the memories I've managed to capture on film along the way...

Testing the new cell phone that takes pictures

Jackie Hoochie crying and screaming all at once (it was a boy by the way)

We stand on our desks and talk to each other over the Career Capsule walls

We make obscene gestures with stupid stuff we steal from the Marketing Department and the Mail Room

We smoke in the No Smoking section together

We vacation together and drink like fish at each other's homes because we don't seem to get enough of each other at work ...

We celebrate EVERY holiday (and MiMi's already done with her 2007 Christmas Shopping)...

We play softball and then party after EVERY softball game...

We welcome the newest additions

We watch each other's kids grow up right before our eyes... (Tammy, just when did she get parts???)

And we grieve and say goodbye to our loved ones we have lost and we comfort each other in time of need...
J.T. (passed away April 30, 2007)

"Katie Cornbread"

Born 4/24/89 and passed away at the young age of 18 on May 4, 2007)

I couldn't imagine working anywhere else because my very best friends are here and over the years, there's been a lot of memories made.

2 said...:

Unknown said...

Awww, Stacy Baby! I loved this blog. The only thing missing was the sappy background music to really make you cry. Very well put together and the pictures are beautiful! ♥

Love ya like a $3 bill,

Xavi Hoochie

30-Something Girl said...

well thank god it's not a $2 bill.