Monday, December 18, 2006


Well the Regional Meetings were a success! I never really had an actual costume, I just pulled it together out of my closet. I told everyone I was an angel from Charlie's Angels. Hell, I've never seen an episode of the old one or even the movie.

"Low Maintenance" was Phantom of the Opera. We also had a Queen Amaidala from Star Wars (who by the way is pregnant with twins - Whooo Hooo).

There were some really great costumes. The first one Low Maintenance, then me (surprise) drinking wine, and then some of my fav's... I noticed a lot of men in super hero costumes. Hmmmm

2 said...:

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Men in superhero costumes usually use those in the bedroom. Just thought I'd say that.

Mine's Wonderwoman.


30-Something Girl said...

Haaaa hey, I guess whatever makes BBSW happy!